The irritation in your tummy can be a result of certain food allergies or sensitivities causing aggravation to the gut lining. You can repair this by beginning a food elimination programme, then after 3 weeks gradually introduce each food type to see what you're reacting too.
Our gut holds around 70% of our immune system so it’s important we look after it -
Unhappy gut means unhappy us!
The usual culprits are:
• Dairy
• Corn
• Wheat
• Soy
• Yeast
How to fight back with food:
The healthy bacteria our gut need to thrive. Medications, stress, digestive disfunction can all put a strain on our gut flora
Apple Cider Vinegar
Is another natural probiotic that can be taken before a meal, 1 tbsp with water
Increase Soluble Fibre
Green Leafy Vegetables Physilium Oat bran Flax seeds (great to add to breakfast smoothies, salads, yogurts and porridge)
Increase omega 3
Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring
Drink water
At least 2 litres per day, more if exercising
Ginger and Turmeric
Help digestion and have anti-inflammatory effects
Peppermint Tea
Soothes digestive tract and spasms
Caffeine Alcohol (regular drinkers have been found to have bacterial overgrowth) Rich fatty foods, processed foods, sugar and sweetness Acidic foods: grapefruit, spices
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